coming to nintendo switch™ october 24th


The year is 1995, and Kazuma Kiryu, the Dragon of Dojima, is an up-and-coming yakuza. A Lieutenant Advisor in the Tojo Clan's Dojima Family, his hard work has nearly earned him his own sub-family in this prestigious group.

But one rainy night, the unthinkable happens. Sohei Dojima, Patriarch of the Dojima Family, kidnaps Kiryu's childhood friend, Yumi. In an effort to save her, Kiryu's sworn brother, Akira Nishikiyama, rushes after them.

As the thunder claps, gunshots ring out from the Dojima Family office. Kiryu arrives to find Nishikiyama holding the smoking gun over Dojima's dead body, and Yumi in shock from the trauma.

Kiryu makes a decision that will change his life forever. Sending Nishikiyama out of the room to look after Yumi, Kiryu picks up the gun as the police arrive to arrest the culprit...

The year is 2005. Akira Nishikiyama has become a changed man. Yumi is nowhere to be found. Ten billion yen has gone missing from the Tojo Clan's coffers, putting the organization on the brink of civil war. And Kazuma Kiryu is released from prison to a world he no longer recognizes.


  • Kazuma Kiryu - The Dragon of Dojima
  • Haurka - The Girl Worth 10 Billion Yen
  • Akira Nishikiyama - A Changed Man
  • Goro Majima - The Mad Dog of Shimano
  • Yumi Sawamura - A Childhood Friend
  • Shintaro Kazama - The Model YAKUZA
  • Shinji Tanaka - A Kiryu Loyalist
  • Reina - Proprietress of Serena
  • Makoto Date - The Cop With Dangerous Intuition
  • The Florist of Sai - Legendary Information Broker
  • Futoshi Shimano - A Man of Ambition
  • Osamu Kashiwagi - The Loyal Captain
  • Kazuki - Cutting His Own Path
  • Yuya - The Earnest Host
  • Matsushige - The Top-Earner
  • Takashi - The Wayward Son
  • Saya Date - The Wayward Daughter



NINTENDO SWITCH™ Announcement Trailer


Story Trailer


The Styles of Battle

Battle Basics

The three battle styles introduced in Yakuza 0 return, alongside Kiryu's legendary moveset, the Dragon of Dojima, as a fourth selectable style. Fight through the streets of Kamurocho with balance, speed, and power as you polish the ten years of rust from the ultimate style.

Majima Everywhere

Majima Everywhere

The key to regaining the Dragon of Dojima's strength is none other than Kiryu's new nemesis, Goro Majima. In a collision of ideology, Majima swears to challenge Kiryu at every turn - and even the place you thought were safe are no longer off-limits for a brawl.

The Hostesses of Kamurocho

Two New Ladies to Romance

MesuKing: Battle Bug Beauties

An incredibly popular card game that has taken Kamurocho by storm, where scantily-clad insect women battle for dominance of the forest! And it's really popular with kids! Gather card, create a deck, and show these youngsters what being a MesuKing Master is all about!

NightLife Spots

Experience all that Kamurocho has to offer!



Yakuza Kiwami

Yui of Club Jewel

Her good looks and friendly attitude have a tendency to make men weak in the knees, but Yui wants no part of the flirting and courtship that come with the hostess territory. Completely turned off by expensive gifts and the flaunting of money, only a man like Kiryu, who can simply share a drink without pretense, may be able to understand her aversion to the glamour of the hostess life.

Show Character

Rina of Club Shine

Rina is a recent hire in the hostess business, and her motive for taking the job was perhaps a first for the trade -- she only has eyes for the other beautiful women in the profession. With her focus entirely on the other tables and the women showing her the tricks of the trade, Kiryu will have to be on his game to vie for her attention.

Show Character

Easy to Play, Hard to Master

MesuKing is a Rock/Paper/Scissors game where the victor performs a crushing blow on the opponent! Look out for tells in your enemies, and go for the Finishing Blow when the time is right!

Build A MesuKing Deck!

MesuKing cards are scattered around Kamurocho, and you'll need lots of them to win! Gather up insect cards, skill cards, and make sure to check their compatibility to build the ultimate four card deck!

Stop the Gangbusters

A trio of punks is roaming the town, and out of nowhere, they assault Kiryu for being a yakuza. With their coordinated strikes, their knowledge of the streets, and their ridiculous English name, the attacks couldn't be as random as they seem...

The Assassin's Truth

During Kiryu's stint in jail, an assassination attempt by a dual fork-weilding assassin fails. But what becomes of him? Who really gave the order? In YAKUZA KIWAMI, Kiryu will discover the truth.

The Fighter Returns

It's been 17 years since "Kazuma-kun" became the Fastest Man in Kamurocho at the Pocket Circuit Stadium, but lo and behold, even now, Pocket Circuit Fighter is still here! ...At age 46. Discover an all new drama surrounding the tory and the tracks, meet old friends, and race new rivals!

The Man on a Ledge

Finding a crowd of onlookers, Kiryu and Haruka discover a man on the ledge of a building. Unable to turn a blind eye to his plight, the two race up the stairs to try and stop him, but this man's story about a debt unpaid is deeper than they realize...


The Style of Balance

This balanced battle style makes use of punches, kicks, and throws that are suitable for any fight without being influenced by the opponent or the environment. When taking damage in Brawler style, Kiryu can immediately colunter-attack.


The Style of Speed

A battle style that specializes in speed, characterized by fast-paced punches and evasive footwork. Opponents can be stunned by the continuous flurry of attacks, opening up ways to finish the opponent off that are unique to this style.


The Style of Power

A battle style that specialzies in power, using wide attacks to crush groups of enemies. When near objects on the street, such as bikes or signs, Kiryu will automatically pick them up and weave them into his combos to devastating effect.

The Essence of Kiwami

New to Yakuza Kiwami, each battle style has gained a unique ultimate move that can be the definitive end to a tenacious boss. When opponents enter a stated of recovery, shut them down with the Essence of Kiwami Heat Action of the appropriate style.

The Ability Wheel

The experience system introduced in the original Yakuza returns in Yakuza Kiwami, allowing Kiryu to use the experinece gained from street fights and substory completion to upgrade three primary categories of moves: Body, Soul, and Tech.


The Ultimate Style

Kiryu's trademark fighting style returns: the ultimate combination of speed and power, the true balance of offense and defense, and a strength unparalleled by the other styles. However, Kiryu's time in jail has left the scales of the dragon cracked and rusted, and he must earn the right to use this style from those who would truly challenge him.

He's Literally Everywhere

Majima is a master of many dangerous styles, and will use each of them to attack Kiryu when he least expects it. On the streets, in trashcans, in the park, and especially when it's too quiet... Look out for Majima!

The Dragon Rises

The only way to power up the Dragon of Dojima style is through the bond Kiryu and Majima develop as they fight. Majima may even impart some of kis own moves to Kiryu, allowing you to take the style to new heights of ferocity.

Kazuma Kiryu

Lieutenant Advisor of the Dojima Family

Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda

An up-and-coming yakuza who earned his nickname from the dragon tattoo on his back. To protect his friend, Akira Nishikiyama, and the woman he loves, Yumi Sawamura, he shoulders the crime of having murdered his patriarch. After serving a ten year sentence in prison and being expelled from his family, he returns to Kamurocho, only to find that the city has been engulfed by the infighting of the Tojo Clan, and Kiryu himself is dragged back into the conflict.

Show Character


Voice by: Rie Kugimuya

A young girl who fled her orphanage in search of her mother. Her path crosses with Kiryu's by chance, but the two soon find they share a deeper connection - Haruka is Yumi's niece, and both this little girl and her mother are linked to the Tojo Clan's missing billions. The two team up in search of answers.

Show Character

Akira Nishikiyama

Patriarch of the Nishikiyama Family

Voiced by: Kazuhiro Nakaya

Raised alongside Kiryu and Yumi in Sunflower Orphanage, Nishikiyama and Kiryu join the Dojima Family together as sworn borthers. The two of them become inseparable but when Nishikiyama shoots the Dojima Family patriarch to save Yumi their paths begin to diverge. While Kiryu serves ten years in prison for Nishikiyama's crime, Nishikiyama has it no easier on the outside...

Show Character

Goro Majima

Captain of the Shimano Family
Patriarch of the Majima Family

Voiced by: Hidenari Ugaki

A feared and aggressive captain of the formidable Shimano Family. His unpredictable nature and wildly violent tendencies make even other yakuza steer clear of him, except Kazuma Kiryu, the one man who stands in defiance. This act earns Majima's respect, and he becomes strangely obessed with Kiryu, stalking him incessantly around the city.

Show Character

Yumi Sawamura

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto

Raised in the same orphanage as Kiryu and Nishikiyama, the three grew up treasuring each other like family. After the two boys entered the yakuza, Yumi followed behind to become a hostess at an upscale bar called Serena.

However, the traumatic events surrounding Sohei Dojima's assault and subseguent murder send Yumi into a downward spiral, causing her to lose her memory from the shock. When Kiryu gets out of prison ten years later, she is nowhere to be found.

Show Character

Shintaro Kazama

Patriarch of the Kazama Family

Voiced by: Watari Tetsuya

Kazama's Sunflower Orphanage gives rise to Kiryu, Nishikiyama, and Yumi, who come to regard him as a father. Folowing in Kazama's footsteps, both boys swear their oaths to the yakuza. But Kazama is a cut above the average crime boss - he is known for his loyalty, honesty, and temperate personality, causing many to put their absolute faith in him.

Show Character

Shinji Tanaka

Lieutenant Advisor of the Nishikiyama Family

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita

Shinji enters the yakuza out of his admiration for Kiryu. The "Dragon of Dojima" and his world are shattered when he is tasked with bringing Kiryu a letter of expulsion from the yakuza for his crimes. But when Kiryu returns to Kamurocho after his ten year sentence, he discovers a new side of Shinji and a new rand - Lieutenant Advisor of the newly formed Nishikiyama Family.

Show Character


Voice by: Atsuko Tanaka

The proprietress of the high-class club Serena, a second floor bar on Tenkaichi Street. She has known Kiryu and Nishikiyama since they were just rank-and-file members of the Dojima Family a decade ago and has built a strong, trusting relationship with Yumi, who worked as a hostess at her bar. She allows Kiryu to use Serena as a base of operations as he works to discover the mysteries surrounding the Tojo Clan's missing money.

Show Character

Makoto Date

Voiced by: Kazuhiro Yamaji

Originally a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Investigations Division, he led the probe into the Sohei Dojima murder case and intuitively realized Kiryu was not the true killer. However, his insistence on uncovering the truth led to his demotion to Division Four, Organized Crime. There he finds himself on a case that, through mutual cooperarion, he believes both himself and Kiryu stand to benefit from.

Show Character

The Florist of Sainohanaya

Voiced by: Yoshiaki Fujiwara

Deep beneath West Park, a haven for the homeless, lies a high-class pleasure palace and surveillance center known as "Purgatory." With over 10,000 cameras set up throughout the city and a network of homeless spies, the Florist of Sai can charge a premium for his information. But for Kiryu, he's willing to bargain...

Show Character

Futoshi Shimano

Patriarch of the Shimano Family

Voiced by: Naomi Kusumi

A direct patriarch of the Tojo Clan known for his aggressive nature and fiery temper. But in the shadows, Shimano is a schemer with his eyes set on the chairmanship of the Tojo Clan, foiled only by his long-standing nemesis, Shintaro Kazama. When the Tojo Clan's ten billion yen goes missing, Shimano escalates the conflict, undoubtedly with a plan to use the chaos to his advantage.

Show Character

Osamu Kashiwagi

Captain of the Kazama Family

Voiced by: Shunsuke Sakuno

Shintaro Kazama's right-hand man. Acting as an older brother figure to both Kiryu and Nishikiyama, Kashiwagi is a man with a strong sense of duty and honor. After Dojima's murder, Kashiwagi becomes Nishikiyama's mentor as Nishikiyama attempts to build his own family, but there is a conflict beneath the surface that Kashiwagi does not see...

Show Character


Voiced by: Hiroshi Thuchida

The owner of "Stardust," a rising star in the host club scene of Kamurocho. Equipped with a handsome face and a skilled hand at management, Stardust has become a popular nightlife spot for women. He repays his benefactor, Shintaro Kazama, by assisting Kiryu as he is released from prison.

Show Character


Voiced by: Kenta Miyaker

A hot-blooded host of Stardust. His distrust of yakuza stems from their invasion of local businesses and demands for protection money, and he projects this hatred onto Kiryu when he shows up at the door. After the misunderstanding is cleared up, Yuya and Kazuki become dependable allies for Kiryu.

Show Character


Nishikiyama Family Member

Voiced by: Hitoshi Ikeda

One of the Kazama Family's top earners, Matsushige was transferred to the Nishikiyama Family in hopes that he could kick-start Nishikiyama's independence. However, Matsushige and the other men reassigned to his family in the transfer have no respect for Nishikiyama, who is a more junior officer, and they're not afraid to show it.

Show Character


Voiced by: Satoshi Hino

The son of the legendary informant, the Florist of Sai, doesn't even know his father's face, much less that he spies on him through his network of cameras. Takashi and his fiancée, Kyoka, encounter no shortage of problems with Takashi's gang, Kyoka's father, and money stolen from the yakuza - and it falls to Kiryu to set things right.

Show Character


Voiced by: Ryoko Shiraishi

With her father all but absent in her life, Saya's act of rebellion is to take to the streets of Kamurocho. There she falls in love with a handsome host, but soon finds that love, money, and the host business can be dangerous for those who don't know how to handle them.

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