All-New Restaurants to Give You Japanese Food Cravings. Osaka: Where Foodies Go Bankrupt
With the return of Osaka in Yakuza Kiwami 2, the importance of food culture has never been more prevalent. If you know them, look for stores such as Kani Douraku and Zuboraya, especially under the neon lights. Stores from previous titles also make their return, including Kani Douraku, Kinryu Ramen, Kushikatsu Daruma, and Osaka King!
Minigames Galore!
Golf Clubs: More Than a Convenient Weapon!
Wander into the Yokobori Golf Center, a new attraction in Sotenbori, to polish your golf game. Pick up a club and hit the driving range to see how you do on the bingo challenge!
Four Shine: The Struggling Cabaret Club
Nestled among the second story buildings in Shofukucho, the cabaret club Four Shine needs Kiryu's help! With the Cabaret Club Grand Prix upon them, it's up to you to take this plucky little start-up and turn it into a world-class establishment!
All New Substories That Capture Sotenbori's Sense of Humor
Kiryu Makes His Modeling Debut!
There's a model recruiter on Iwao Bridge looking for manly specimens with the perfect build, and what is Kazuma Kiryu if not a man with the perfect build?
After meeting the shoot director, "Poison" Mitsuo, Kiryu finds that he's in over his head, but maybe his poses can win over the director's heart!